
Lifestyle of Worship

So, this past week while Erin and I were in our car heading towards downtown, we witnessed something that at the time was actually laugh out loud humorous. Almost as soon as we noticed that the vehicle in front of us actually had a sticker of the ten commandments on it's rear (almost exactly like the one posted below), we watched them run the red light right in front of us! Ha! I couldn't believe it.

While it was quite humorous at the time for us in our car, it actually proves a very vaulable lesson. As believers, we are called to worship our Creator and Savior. I think a too often misconception is that worship is merely a heading in a church bulletin and a brief time of singing. Worship should be a lifestyle! In fact, our lives should be such perpetual worship that those around us can't help but notice it. After all, you never know who's behind you at the stoplight.

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